Saturday, October 11, 2008

... quick monogrammed gift ...

My son left a shirt here when he visited earlier this summer and I wanted to mail it back to him along w/ a little snack. These pretzels came in a big container (Archer Farms - smores pretzels) and I didn't want to mail the whole thing because it was big (and, really, I wanted to alter the container for something else - and try a pretzel while I was in there).
So, I wrapped up most of them with some ribbon and made this quick monogram using my Just Rite stamper & curls alphabet. Would you believe when he called to thank me, he said I messed up his initials??? I guess an 18 year old boy has no idea how a monogram is supposed to look... Anyhoo - this could be a great idea for a teacher or thank you gift and you could put words instead of initials in the center.


Susan (peebsmama) said...

Smores pretzels! Sounds yummy! What a fun way to package them. What is a Just Rite stamper?

Susan (peebsmama) said...

Forgot to mention, you won my blog candy. Well... you and the only other person whe entered! I'll be sending you something soon!