The other day, Amber confessed to me that she doesn't like satin ribbon and I can't stop thinking about it. I LOVE satin ribbon -- especially the stuff from PTI. It's so soft and shiny and yummy....
Oh - and another thing... there are certain bloggers that I consider to be celebrities and Amber also thinks this is weird. Come on - seriously??? So - just to prove her wrong, I'm going to mention a few first names and you leave a comment telling me their last name. Got it?
AND - the first person who gets all FIVE of them right will get some SATIN RIBBON from me. Sound good?
Now a little card so you've got something to look at while you're thinking. I used my EE craft spots and embossed this fella in clear. Another something simple for my mass of September birthdays.
Patrick must not have ever told you that I am always right!!!
Neat card!!! This one turned out so good....I always love one layer cards.
As for the satin ribbon, ANY ribbon is good!! If it's the right card, satin ribbon looks fabulous. So I guess I love it too :)
This celebrity thing is so funny!
I'm gonna do the first ones that come to my mind.
Anna Wight
Michelle Wooderson
Nichole Heady
Taylor Van Bruggen
Lauren Meader
So....did I guess right? I know I got Michelle right for sure ;) I think!
I do like satin ribbon, but it's not something that I would use much of just because I don't tend to make the types of projects that satin ribbon go with.
As far as the celebrities... well looks like Tanis beat me to it! I wasn't sure about the first name, but the others I knew.
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