Sunday, June 21, 2009

... teacher lunch box...

Hello dear friends. . . Happy Father's Day. 'Course I don't have a Father's Day card to show you. I made several, but was so late getting them mailed, I didn't stop to take thier little pictures! My theme was red, white and blue. Turned out pretty cute!
So, today I'm going to share a lunch box (PTI template) that I made weeks ago for Levi's teacher. He picked out the paper and insisted on being in the photo.
Behind that button, I used a little piece of velcro that was sticky. Perfect!

And the side view, just 'cuz Levi's so adorable!


RED said...

You should post pictures of your Dad's album! I love the paper Levi chose- he has quite an eye- think he'll want to stamp his own creative ideas soon?

Susan (peebsmama) said...

What a fun box. Great paper Levi selected. Looks like you have a budding artist on your hands.