Thursday, June 26, 2008

first blogger post

Hey friends,

I decided to save a few $ each month and switch to blogger... This is what I get for not doing a lick of research and just starting up with typepad. I have been blogging less and less lately, and I think it's because #1, I've been busy; and #2, I figured I'd be switching soon.

So... I made some note cards that I'm going to share. Let me know if you love them as much as I do!


Karin said...

welcome to blogger! love the notecards, so pretty.

Tanis said...

Hey!!! Congrats on the blogger switch. It's usually ok :)
Love the cards....

RED said...

I am glad you made the switch, not that you being on the other site deterred me from checking in. It's just now I can post comments!